Thursday, May 7, 2020

When is it Safe to Run?

When I was younger, my dad used to go out jogging every morning at 5 or 6 am before work. I never really understood it until I got older, but my mom always pleaded that he jog at a different time - “When there’s light out,” she’d say, or “When it safer to.” ⁣

I’m not an early bird and never was, so at that age, I assumed 5 am was a dangerous time for anyone who was out there running. As I got older, my dad kept jogging and I started to understand the real reason behind my mom’s pleas. ⁣

I can’t pretend to tell any of you how many times my father has gotten stopped while out for a run in our neighborhood. But, I can tell you it’s enough times for me to vividly remember the fear in my mom’s eyes. The anger in my dad’s. The collective sadness in both. ⁣

I’m much older now and not much has changed. My dad can’t go out for jogs anymore, but if he could, would I now be the one begging him to reconsider? I can’t imagine a life in which my father is not there. Truly. And my heart breaks for those who have to live with the reality a loved one gone... simply because he wanted to go on a jog, or walk home with skittles, or ask for help, or just live. ⁣

I recognize my immense privileges and implore those of you who read this to take a minute to do the same. It is my responsibility to remind those of you with the privilege of being able to simply live to stand up and use your voice for those whose voices cannot be heard. ⁣

Friday, May 1, 2020

Todo Va A Estar Bien

During this time, taking the time to go out for a short neighborhood walk has been one of the highlights of my day. I love smiling behind my mask & waving at strangers from a distance. I love finding sidewalk chalk with happy messages from the neighborhood kids. I love making derrick stop every five minutes to take a photo of said messages 😅⁣

Funnily enough, at the beginning of the year when I was making a list of the goals & practices that I wanted to work on, I wrote down “take more walks. explore. get some air.” Little did I know that it would take... a pandemic... to make me appreciate a daily walk outside my doors. ⁣

Life has a funny way of giving us what we ask for. Perhaps that is why I take comfort in knowing that everything will eventually be okay. As my friend reminded me today, “if it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”
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