Bette Top c/o Tart Collections; Leggings: Express; Boots: Jessica Simpson; Shawl: Forever 21; Bag: Zara; Love Affirmation Watch c/o BCBGeneration; Assorted Bangles: Forever 21
Photos by: Ryan Chua Photography
This past weekend the sun finally showed its face here in San Francisco. Sadly, it was only for a brief moment (because now it's back to grey skies and drizzle). Luckily for me, Ryan and I were able to take advantage of the good weather and got a couple shots in. Tart Collections was kind enough to send me this Bette Top, which is the perfect mix between casual and dressy. I've been eyeing the Zara Plaited Shopper for months (and I really do mean months). When they sold out in stores and online, I was sure my chance to buy it had passed. Then one day, I saw someone selling it for way below the retail price and I had to scoop it up. And now it's mine! The only downside is that it's really quite large...considering I have what some would call, "baby arms," it can be a work-out just carrying it! So, I've decided it's best for weekend trips...for now.