Contrary to what you may think, I'm not terribly into purchasing clothes and things. My closet might tell you otherwise - it's a walk-in, filled to the brim with shoes and various clothing items. But, as a blogger, I'm very, very lucky to receive items from generous brands. I shop for clothing an average of 3-5 times a year, and most of the time when I do, it's because I'm in need of something. My shopping philosophy has evolved - I did used to shop a lot when I was in high school / college, but as I grew older, I realized that spending on fast fashion wasn't the best use of my money and quality really does matter. Having said that, I do still give into trends every now and then, but for the most part, I recycle a lot of my clothes over and over. Given that I don't spend that much on clothing, it's even more rare for me to make larger investment purchases because I'm not super into material possessions. I purge my closet a couple times a year and try to donate as much as I can. By now, you're probably saying to yourself...wait, what? She's a blogger. Yes, guilty as charged. I'm a blogger, but I hope that if you haven't realized by now, you're starting to realize that I blog because I love to write, share my stories, and hope to spread positivity through my work. So, after sharing all of that backstory about my shopping patterns, let's talk about the bag featured in this post (because I've already told you about the shoes).